非会员信息2分钟前 武汉mono询问报价「螺耐斯」[螺耐斯10e361c]内容:B、转子B, rotors转子的结构也非常简单,主体是钢制杆件,一般外涂耐磨耐蚀的铬合金材料。其作用是传递动力和写定子形成密封腔。The structure of the rotor is also very simple, the main body is steel rod, generally coated with abrasion resistant and corrosion resistant chromium alloy material. Its function is to transfer power and write the stator to form a seal cavity.C、回转筒C, rotary barrel回转筒也就是一根内径较大的油管或空心定子筒,接在定子的上部以给转子和抽油杆杆柱以较大的回旋空间,防止转子和抽油杆因偏心运动磨擦磨损油管。A rotary cylinder is also an oil tube or hollow stator barrel with larger inner diameter. It is co
nnected to the upper part of the stator to provide larger swirl space for the rotor and sucker rod string, so as to prevent the rotor and sucker rod from attrition wear due to eccentric wear.

F、抽油杆F, sucker rod所使用的抽油杆是常用的普通抽油杆、空心抽油杆和连续抽油杆,可根据油井确定。The sucker rod used is commo
nly used as a common 1sucker rod, hollow sucker rod and co
ntinuous sucker rod, which can be determined according to the oil well.G、定子扶正器G, stator centralizer定子扶正器为有一定弹性的笼形装罩,每一对由两半构成,中间大、两端小。作用是使定子居中和减小定子的摆动。The stator centralizer is a cage shaped cover with a certain elasticity. Each pair is made up of two halves, large in the middle and small at both ends. The function is to make the stator middle and reduce the stator wobble.H、锚定装置H, anchoring device对于没有封隔器的井和泵挂深度浅的井,用于固定定子、消除摆动和防止定子脱扣。采用普通的锚定装置即可。For wells without packers and shallow wells with deep pumps, it is used to fix the stator, eliminate the swinging and prevent the tripping of the stator. A common anchoring device can be used.


G型单螺杆泵型号在加热炉燃烧系统中的应用 目前,有些中小型钢铁厂和其它冶金加工厂在没有气体燃料(如煤气)的条件下,仍在使用液体燃料。而液体燃料为广泛采用的是重油。比如加热炉燃烧系统在重油的输送及喷燃过程中,选择合适的泵机组对炉子的正常工作很重要。由于重油的正常工作粘度一般都比较高(80 ℃时在50×102-6m2/s以上) ,而且随着温度的变化,其粘度的变化比较大。这就要求我们应该选择合适的泵种以适应这些介质的输送,使之稳定而无故障地运行。尤其是重油的喷燃,泵机组输送压力的恒定很重要。根据调查发现,目前采用外啮合齿轮泵(称齿轮泵)的用户仍居多。其实在这些系统中如果采用G型单螺杆泵则是有更多优点。